Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day Part I

My lovely wife (wait, she's way to cute for me to call her my lovely wife, but she's uncomfortable with me calling her "my hot wife". I need to figure out some term of endearment that will portray her true hottness without making her sound like a desperate housewife)... My "awesome" wife is my ultimate Valentine. I can't quite explain it, but my life has become increasingly better every year we've been together. (6 years now) We just seem to click, like we were truly meant for each other. (I mean really meant for each other, like we somehow knew each other up in heaven and had this plan to meet up once we got down here on earth) But, come on, we met on the internet!! We had both been married before living totally seperate lives. There is just too much randomness in meeting on the internet to think that we were somehow "pre-determined" to be together. (In fact, we actually met on the internet, chatted for a couple weeks and then we went our own seperate ways. Now if you talked to Nancy, she would tell you that I was the one that stopped chatting with her, but in my own mind, I feel like she blew me off somehow. I can't exactly explain it because when we looked back at the text messages, it somehow showed that she was the last one to send a message that I didn't reply to, but if she truly liked me, don't you think she would have sent a followup message wondering where I was. Sometimes men like to feel pursued, I know I do. So we went our own seperate ways, Nancy actually got engaged to someone else!! If they turned our love story into a movie, you would be watching this movie and thinking to yourselves "There is no way they are every going to get together. He had his chance and he blew it. She is going to be married & moving to Tremonton soon and he'll be S.O.L. Plus, I don't think Brad Pitt should have been cast in the role of Bruce. I mean have you seen Bruce? Maybe John Goodman wasn't available"... Well my friends, do you know that sick feeling you get in your stomach when you know you just aren't doing the right thing? (Like when you tried to wear parchute pants and moon boots to school) Nancy was getting that sick little feeling about being engaged to this other guy. That sick little feeling is what I call "Bruce's Love For Nancy". She was carrying around my love for her and she didn't even know it yet. (kind of like a tapeworm) Now... all the while this is going on, Bruce has finally figured out this whole dating thing. (When I first chatted with Nancy, you know, the time she blew me off and stopped writing me? She was one of the very first girls I chatted with! Again, another amazing thing, it was like I went fishing, threw my hook in the water, and immediately landed the best trophy fish, only to have her wiggle from my hands and swim back in the sea for 18 months.) So she stopped chatting with me (it really bugs her when I say that "she" stopped chatting with me and not the other way around, but hey, it's my blog, my story!!) and I started meeting "other women" and began to date. I met many perfectly nice girls and had lots of fun, but I would never get that feeling inside me that would tell me that "she's the one". The void of this feeling is what I'm going to call "Nancy's Lack of Love for Bruce". So I'm going through life fearful that I will never truly love anyone because I'm meeting all these nice girls, but no one was filling that spot inside me. I later came to realize that was the case because "Nancy's Lack of Love for Bruce" kind of acted like a black hole and it would gobble up anyone else's love that was trying to form inside me. intermission..........................

Beautiful Baby Berkley

Berkley is so cute. I love her like I never thought I would (well acutally that is not true, who doesn't think they will love their child, but it just sounds like something good to say) I guess I should ammend my prior statement to say that I can't believe someone so cute came from me, although I give full credit to Nancy. I think she was very selfish with her DNA and kicked mine out of the gene pool. She's not a happy camper right now. She's been battling ear infections and she's been quite lethargic. I guess you need these kind of times, to fully enjoy the times that she is running around as a happy camper.

Things you do while you should be working

I blame ashley and her Valentine. I should be working right now, but I'm compelled to begin this blog. Now I can cross off item #42 on my New Year's Resolution List! It's 1:30am, I'm at my office and it's snowing outside. I really need to go home, but I don't want to drive home in this nasty weather. If I wreck while driving late at night, Nance would kill me. Fear is a good motivator. Fear of not getting my work done is what keeps me here at work. Fear of lots of things can be very healthy. Fear of not keeping a journal for the past 18 years is motivating me to give this whole "blog" thing a try. So I guess we'll see if the fear keeps up, and I continue to post.